Friday, April 20, 2012

Holy Week lapbooks


Instead of our usual lessons on Thursday and Friday Lily and Gabe created these lapbooks documents the events in the life of Jesus in the week leading up to His resurrection.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Easter Garden

 We saw this idea on Pinterest and on Lazarus Saturday (the day before Palm Sunday) decided to plan our garden.
 Lily, Gabe and John filled the basket with dirt from the garden (after lining it with plastic wrap), molding the dirt around a flower pot turned on its side and wetting it down to keep everything in place.
 We then planted wheat,  made three crosses, and found a stone to roll in from of the "tomb."
 By Thursday it looked like this:
Lily took pictures of the grass every hour on Thursday to observe its growth - we could almost see it growing! On Friday John rolled the stone in front on the tomb and on Sunday morning woke to find it rolled away and the tomb empty!  
This was such a fun activity.  We all enjoyed watching the wheat grass grow and wondering early in the week if it would come up in time for Easter.  It was wonderful to see how engaged John was with this and hearing him recount different aspects of the events of Holy Week and Easter.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 1-6

This week found us learning about stars: how they form, different classifications and how they die.

Lots of work was completed in math with each child completing 4-5 lessons in addition to playing Rocket Math on the ipad.

Lily and Gabe filled out lots of information about the Ancient Greeks in their History Portfolios with a focus on Alexander the Great. 

Lily started working on her Journalling Through the Liturgical Year again - perhaps inspired by the upcoming Feasts.  Gabe helped her with some of the journal and is asking about doing his own!

Gabe and John read lots this week.  John in Hooked on Phonics and Gabe in Christian Liberty Nature Reader.