Friday, March 2, 2012

Weeks of February 20 - March 2

It's amazing how easy it is to fall behind in posting!  We've been busy with our usual school work though this last week was a bit more relaxed due to runny noses and headaches and general malaise.

All three kids are making good progress in math, slogging away each day with their lesson.  John in particular has really gotten into the habit of daily lessons which I hadn't been forcing too much before.  He is making real progress with adding doubles and ones.  Gabe is subtracting 9s and 2s and reading and recording the temperature to the nearest 2 degrees.  Lily's math has focused on fractions: reducing, multiplying and dividing.

Our study of the Solar System is going strong.  Lily and Gabe both began a 30 day project of charting the moon's phases.  We've been playing the Solar System games - with great success. Reading more about Mars and Uranus and exploring the iPad apps. 

We've been watching a lot of the Brain Pop videos (default mode when no one really feels like up for school) and doing the quizzes.  Videos have included Uranus, Angles (very timely as Lily was introduced to supplementary and complementary angles this week), Renewable Energy, Nutrition, Leap Year, Architecture, Teeth and Main Idea.

Lily has been settling into her writing lessons with really diligent daily work.  She is also really enjoying reading the Greek Myths.  Gabe and John are both progressing with their reading and Gabe is doing good spelling work.  John is now writing both his first and last name.

We finished reading, journaling and studying the Middle and New Kingdoms of Egypt and began studying Ancient Greece.  We've listened to the chapters in Story of the World about Greece and watched Drive Thru History: Greece.  We will return to the Story of the World chapters in the coming weeks but have began work in the History Portfolios.

We went swimming last week. Lily and John also went tobogganing in addition to our usual PE activities.

In addition, John learned how to play checkers this week.  It has been wonderful watching him learn strategy and play games with Gabe.  We also played rounds of Yathzee and Backgammon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Jaime,

What a productive two weeks since our visit! Special thanks to Lily, Gabe, and John for sharing their term two work. It was fun to see the fruit of all their diligent studies over the winter term.

Thank you for the lovely pumpkin loaf that Lily sent home with me! It was delicious! As you can imagine, I had lots of volunteers to help eat it so it didn't last long. :0)

Thanks for getting a solid start on term three work. It sounds like your three students are enjoying the solar system unit. Ancient Greece will be an interesting focus too. The two units of study may overlap some with when you study constellations and Greek myths.

I am glad that you are making use of BrainPop and some other video resources.

Good for John for learning to play checkers! He has really grown up this year and can do so much.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend!
