Monday, November 28, 2011

Week of Novmember 13

Gabe's animal house in the woods
We had great week visiting Grandma and Grandpa Meng in Arlington!  On the long drive Lily, Gabe and John took turns using the iPad to practice handwriting, read books and play games.  Gabe and John spent most of Wednesday working in Grandpa's whop building swords, boats, and sanding picture frames.  Lily spent the day with Grandma at work.  Grandmas works for Indian Child Welfare Bureau.  Lily spent the day in her office learning how Grandma helps children whose families are in trouble. The rest of our time was spent visiting with cousins, aunts and uncles and playing in the woods.  Lily and Gabe and their cousin made the best fairy and animal houses in the woods with leaves, sticks and moss!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome home, Jaime!

It sounds like you enjoyed an American Thanksgiving with your extended family. I am glad that the iPad came in handy on the long trip.

What a great experience for Gabe and John hanging out with their Grandpa in the shop and building with wood! Thanks for highlighting Lily’s job shadowing experience with your Mom. What a valuable learning opportunity for Health and Career Education!

Thank you for posting the picture of Gabe’s animal house. What beautiful fall colors! It must have been lovely weather for playing in the woods.
